Thursday, June 9, 2011

Vacations and Time Off

Guardian Central is well aware that both Guardians and their sidekicks will suffer from professional fatigue and will require a certain amount of time off duty. Find an activity you both enjoy, such as camping or visits to one of the many beaches that dot the worlds of the galaxy. Incorporate some form of physical exercise, such as swimming or climbing, to keep your physical capabilities up to acceptable Guardian level. We also highly recommend that Guardians and sidekicks put this time to good use by getting to know each other better in a non-professional capacity. Share your personal interests: seemingly mundane information may prove useful someday in dealing with matters at hand.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Guardians should, of course, be aware that costs for maintenance and upkeep of a galaxy-wide operation are subject to occasional increases which we must, unfortunately, pass along to you. As such, plan your budgets accordingly. Yes, we know that no one likes to pay these petty, minor increases in, say, health care insurance — even for injury-resistant beings such as yourselves — but these increases are necessary. After all, a healthy corps is a happy corps!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Blaster practice

Okay, this is what happens when you get a tad carried away with post work...

Click through to a 1280x800 version.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Spoils of Engagement

Guardians and their sidekicks must be fully in compliance with the rules and regulations regarding the taking of spoils of any kind. The bottom line is, no, you may not. Guardian Command does not care if the item in question is large or small; the same punishment will be meted out to those who attempt to remove anything from a newly safe guarded world.

Please note that this includes the military uniforms of the recently liberated planet Cafos 4.For those not acquainted with these sartorial masterpieces, they are not only the most visually commanding uniforms in the Galaxy but are enhanced with derivative pheronomes that make the wearer irresistable to over 4,000 species. For security reasons alone, these uniforms are utterly forbidden.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Not really part of the Kyle universe, but...

... a (hopefully) amusing sketch done on a rainy Sunday morning. This is the same mesh used for Kyle, but pushed and prodded in a few new directions. And obviously, a ton of post work — some pretty blatant, some pretty subtle. I suppose one could consider this a portrait of Kyle's great-to-the-tenth-power ancestor.

Encountering Alien Lifeforms (2)

Guardians should also understand that certain life forms — indeed, entire worlds — have modes of expression that we may find not only bewildering but potentially physically harmful. As such, preparation is vital. For example, the entire planet of RnHSoMu, where not only are the hills alive but so is just about everything else. Communications consist of what initially appears to be overlapping, non-stop streams of painfully loud and inordinately inane cocktail party chatter — and yet on closer inspection (assuming of course that one has not been driven completely insane), it is an extremely subtle mode of musical expression and verbal information. That which superficially sounds like a vacuous description of a "simply mad cruise we took last week" is instead a deeply considered discussion on the place of philosophy in an otherwise uncaring universe.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011